Monday 27 October 2014

November Workday

A note from Colin.
"The next workday is the next Sunday which is the first Sunday in November – hard to believe with the weather as warm as this.  The plan is to check the nest boxes at Hall o’the Heath farm; Ron has the ladders, the forecast is fair so we should be good to go.
Hope to see you all then."

Sunday 2nd November, 09:00, meeting at Waterloo Road Car Park.

Sunday 5 October 2014

October Workday - Plant Plugs

The October workday was split into two tasks, both at Hall o'the Heath Farm.
Task 1. Planting 150 wild flower plant plugs into the wild flower meadow.
Colin describes the method...

10 plugs of 15 varieties, plus some extra potted plants.

Remove a small area of competing turf, insert and water in.

Task 2. Replace the damaged fence and access point, this should keep straying cattle from the newly planted area.  The two rails have been bolted into place, they will be unbolted in the Spring to allow access once the growing season starts again.