Sunday 10 April 2011

Bird Boxes 2011

Bird box making at the Zan Industrial Park with the Haslington Conservation Volunteers, April 2011.
Stage 1 was treating the timber with either green or brown fence preservative.  The planks were then cut up into appropriate lengths to form a kit of parts for each box.  This all happened prior to the Sunday work day.
Holes of either 30 or 32 mm were drilled in the front panel as the sides, base and front were screwed together onto the back piece.  The lids are held in position with short narrow strips of wood, to hold the lid squarely in position.

The boxes will need a quick second coat of preservative and they will be ready for sale on the village fun day.

Friday 8 April 2011

Workday for April 10th

A message from Colin.

"A quick reminder that the next workday is this coming Sunday, the second Sunday of the month instead of the usual first.  The task is to make 20 nest boxes (or as many as possible in the time) ready for sale at the Village fun day in May. All materials have been delivered to Richard at the Zan Works and he and Dave are planning to do some prep work there beforehand.

Ron will almost certainly not be fit enough to attend and I am doubtful. It seems sensible on this occasion to assemble at the Zan Works directly on Sunday so unless you hear anything else on the topic, please be there around 09-00 or just after. "

I will try and be there to open up for 09:00.   Richard